Dr Jaron Koh
“Become who you always want to be”
Dr Jaron Koh
Aesthetic Doctor
- MBBS (NUS, Singapore)
- Post Graduate Dip. in Clinical Dermatology (Queen Mary University of London, UK) with Distinction
- Dip. in Aesthetic Medicine AAAM (US)
- Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM)
- COC Certified Aesthetic Physician (SG)
- Certification in BTX
- Certification in Dermal Filler
- Certification in Pigment Laser
- Certification in Fractional Laser
- Certification in Vascular Laser
- Certification in Ablative Laser
- Certification in Intense Pulsed Light
- Certification in Chemical Peels
- Certification in Laser Hair Removal
- Certification in Body Contouring
- Certification in Non-Surgical Skin Tightening
Dr Jaron graduated from National University of Singapore with the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS). He has since undergone extensive training across various medical and surgical disciplines, including Emergency Medicine, General Surgery, and General Medicine. His diverse training has honed his dexterity and proficiency in a broad spectrum of procedural skills. However, it was his advanced training in Dermatology that ignited a fervent passion for Aesthetic Medicine in Dr Jaron.
Recognising that aesthetic treatments should be tailored to individual needs; Dr Jaron is committed to crafting personalised treatment plans for each patient following a thorough and individualised assessment. He firmly believes in the uniqueness of every patient, understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach is inadequate in Aesthetic Medicine. Dr Jaron’s dedication extends beyond technical expertise; he is deeply passionate about assisting each patient in looking and feeling their best, empowering them to always confidently put their “best face forward”.
In an ever-evolving field of aesthetics, Dr Jaron devotes himself to keep abreast of the latest developments in the industry by regularly attending both local and international courses and conferences. In doing so, he is able to constantly advance his techniques and knowledge, and devise the best and most effective treatment plans for his patients.
Dr Jaron enjoys engaging in diverse interests during his free time, such as culinary arts, recreational board games, photography, and exploring new destinations through travel. Additionally, he maintains an active lifestyle, demonstrating a passion for physical fitness by dedicating time to regular workouts at the gym. Dr Jaron is also a matcha-fanatic and starts every day with an invigorating self-whisked matcha latte.