Sunekos Eyes: Dark Eye Circles Removal in Singapore
What is Sunekos Eye treatment?
Sunekos® Eye is a unique injectable made of Hyaluronic Acid and a patented formulation of 6 Amino Acids (HY6AA) that promotes ECM regeneration for dermal tissue and stimulates collagen and elastin production within naturally, including Type 4 Collagen.
Developed by Sunekos Laboratories, an Italian R&D company specialized in Amino Acid-based formulas for medical use, Sunekos® Eye is clinically proven to help with reduce and improve signs of ageing around the eyes.
- Dark Eye Circles Removal
- Mild Tear Trough & Eye Bag Improvement
- Under-eye Fine Lines & Wrinkles Reduction
- Restoration of Skin’s Health
- Replace Loss of Volume Naturally
Sunekos® Eye treatment from $1200

Benefits of Sunekos Eye in Singapore
Sunekos® Eye treatment is a FDA-approved procedure with scientifically proven effects such as improved skin hydration, firmness and elasticity, reduced dark eye circles, eye bags, and wrinkles. This treatment allows you to achieve a more refreshed look without going under the knife.
Reduce Dark Eye Circles
Reduce Eye Wrinkles and Lines
Collagen and Elastin Stimulation
Improve Sunken, Hollow Eyes
Natural Volumizing Effect
Promote ECM Regeneration
What Cause Dark Eye Circles?
Dark eye circles are a common problem many people have. It is mostly due to lack of sleep and genetics, however there are also other contributing factors such ageing, allergies and certain lifestyle habits like smoking, alcohol consumption or sun overexposure.
Lack of Sleep
Sleep deprivation can cause skin to appear as dull and pale, making dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin visible.
Genetics play a part in whether you have dark eye circles, it can be an inherited trait seen early in childhood, and may worsen as you age.
Natural ageing causes your skin to become thinner. You also lose the fat and collagen needed to maintain your skin’s elasticity.
Allergic reactions can trigger dark circles as blood vessels tends to dilate and become more visible beneath your skin.
Sun Exposure
Sun exposure can cause your body to produce excess melanin, which can lead pigmentation to develop in the skin around the eyes.
Smoking damages the skin and speeds up skin ageing by breaking down collagen.
Drinking alcohol can cause blood vessels to dilate under the eyes, making dark circles look more prominent.
Eye Strain
Too much screen time can strain your eyes, which can cause blood vessels around your eyes to enlarge and the skin surrounding your eyes can darken.

How does Sunekos Eye treatment work?
Sunekos® Eye works by injecting a precise mix of patented Amino acids and hyaluronic acid to stimulate collagen and elastin production, enabling Extra Cellular Matrix regeneration.
This process helps to restore and repair the supporting tissue for improved skin elasticity and natural volume in skin to reduce appearance of dark eye circles and eye wrinkles for a refreshed look like you had a good night’s rest!
What to expect for Sunekos Eye treatment?
Numbing cream is applied prior the procedure to minimize any discomfort. Sunekos® is then administered via a fine needle, and the entire process will take about 20 minutes to complete. You can resume back to daily activities immediately after.

Best clinical result for Sunekos® Eye treatment is gradual as collagen and elastin continue to produce, the skin under the eyes will be more plumped after each session with continual improvement.

An overview on Sunekos® Eye Singapore
Treatment Duration
45 mins
Recommended Session
4 sessions
Recommended Interval
2 – 3 weeks
Recovery Time
1 – 3 days
Treatment Cost
$1200 per session (3ml)
Are there side effects for Sunekos Eye treatment?
Sunekos® Eye treatment has no adverse side effects.
Most patients notice tiny bumps that resemble tiny mosquito bites on the treat area as Sunekos® is injected under the superficial skin layer. This will generally subside after 1-3 days.
Sunekos® Eye treatment consist of Hyaluronic Acid and Amino Acids, which is biocompatible to human skin, making this treatment is safe and effective for use.